Wednesday, February 22, 2012

here I go

It was a long frustrating experience, not having access to my work. All of my documents, all of my STUFF, have been trapped inside a hard drive that I could not use for months. Computers are a wondrous tool. However, when they break, or in my case burn out, it is mind-boggling to find out how much you rely on them. To have all of my documents, pictures, emails lost to me... and yet right at my fingertips, so to speak, has to have been one of the more exasperating chapters of recent memory.
But thanks to my husband, I now have my STUFF back, and I am looking forward to being able to get back to work.

This blog is going to be a sounding board and editor for my latest endeavor, which at this moment has no official title. The working title is Blue Planet, subject to change of course. This will be the third in my series and it has been burning my brain for months now, stalled by the fact that I did not have the document available to check my "facts" against the prior work. The first 2 novels are also slated to be reworked, as I have gotten feedback on the first-timer mistakes and editing.

So, without further ado, a sample:


Interregnum One

                A small girl is running down a brightly lit corridor, dressed in a dreary grey coverall, her booted feet clanging on the metal floor. Her skin is medium brown, her hair dark and curly, her eyes deep and mysterious. She is looking for someone, examining every person she passes. The people walking by are curious, wondering what this girl is doing by herself in the corridor, in the middle of a work day. She ignores their curiosity and keeps going.
                Suddenly, the girl’s face lights up. She turns her head from side to side, furrowing her smooth little brow in concentration. Her dark eyes shift, and she spins around.
                “Cap’n Jonathan!” She runs to him, a tall man with blond hair, dressed in an immaculate uniform with medals pinned to the chest.
                He stops and waits for her to run up to him, and smiles down at her as he picks her up.
                “Hello, Lizzie. Have you been looking for me?”
                Her voice squeaks with excitement as she nods and says, “Aye, Sir! Where have you been? Mama and Daddy have been saying you were going to be here for days now!”
                “I’m sorry, Little Lady, but you know I have to go where my Ship goes, and when. I can’t change that, not even for you.” He hugs her again, then sets her back on her feet with a tousle of her hair.
                The working people of the Colony Unit continue to walk past these two, concentrating on their various missions. The girl’s deep brown eyes dart from one to another to another, her small body trembling with the effort as she tries to ignore what she feels from them. She shakes her head.
                “Yes, Sir, I know.” Her face clouds for a moment, then she looks up with a bright smile. “But I felt when you arrived! I knew you were here, and I told them...”
                “You know you’re not supposed to do that, Lizzie. You shouldn’t let people know when you feel things like that. It makes them uncomfortable.” He gazes at her with concern.
                Her face falls, her eyes drop, she stares at her feet. “‘I’m sorry, Sir.”
                He gets down on one knee and takes her tiny hands in his big strong ones. “But I have good news for you, and your parents. Where are they?”
                “Working, Sir. In the plant on Level Two.”
                “Let’s go get them, then. We have much to discuss. Your life is about to change, my dear girl.”
                Her head lifts,  and she looks at him carefully, her face brightening. Her lips open as though to speak, but she closes them tightly. The tension of not telling him what she senses shows in the quiver of her lips, the growing flush of her cheeks. Finally, all she says is, “Yes, let’s.”


                This is the first of many such intervals in this work. It is a different style from the previous books, but as the story progresses it will become obvious why it is appropriate. Chapter One to follow shortly.
Constructive criticisms and advice are appreciated as we go along.
Thanks for reading. More soon!

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